;;; apt-sources-list-test.el --- Tests for apt-sources-list -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2017 Joe Wreschnig ;; ;; Author: Joe Wreschnig ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; This file contains test cases for apt-sources-list. Unless you’re ;; hacking on it you shouldn’t need to edit or run this file. ;;; Code: (require 'apt-sources-list) (require 'ert) (defmacro with-temp-windowed-buffer (&rest body) "Like ‘with-temp-buffer’ but give the buffer a window during BODY. This is necessary if you want to simulate sending keys." `(with-temp-buffer (set-window-buffer (selected-window) (current-buffer) t) ,@body)) (defmacro with-apt-sources-list (sources &rest body) "With buffer contents SOURCES, run BODY forms in ‘apt-sources-list-mode’." (declare (indent 1)) `(with-temp-windowed-buffer (apt-sources-list-mode) (insert ,sources) (goto-char (point-min)) ,@body)) (defmacro should-equal (expected actual) "Assert that EXPECTED is ‘equal’ to ACTUAL." `(should (equal ,expected ,actual))) (defmacro should-eq (expected actual) "Assert that EXPECTED is ‘eq’ to ACTUAL." `(should (eq ,expected ,actual))) (defmacro should-equal-buffer (contents) "Assert that the current buffer’s contents equals CONTENTS." `(should-equal (buffer-string) ,contents)) (defmacro should-use-face (face) "Assert that the current point’s face is FACE." `(should-eq (get-text-property (point) 'face) ,face)) (defmacro should-be-at-line (lineno) "Assert that the point is on line number LINENO." `(should-equal ,lineno (line-number-at-pos))) (defun type (keys) "Simulate typing KEYS." (execute-kbd-macro (kbd keys))) (ert-deftest apt-sources-list-test-invalid () (with-apt-sources-list "invalid" (should-error (apt-sources-list-change-type) :type 'apt-sources-list-not-found) (should-error (apt-sources-list-change-uri "http://foo") :type 'apt-sources-list-not-found))) (ert-deftest apt-sources-list-test-insert () (with-apt-sources-list "" (type "C-c C-i RET deb.test RET RET RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb https://deb.test stable main")) (with-apt-sources-list "" (type "C-c C-i example RET deb.test RET RET RET") (should-equal-buffer "# example\ndeb https://deb.test stable main")) (with-apt-sources-list "" (type "C-c C-i RET deb.test RET M-0 C-k path/ RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb https://deb.test path/")) (with-apt-sources-list "" (type "C-u C-c C-i RET -src RET arch=amd64 RET deb.test RET RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb-src [arch=amd64] https://deb.test stable main"))) (ert-deftest apt-sources-list-test-replicate () (with-apt-sources-list "deb http://deb.test/debian stable main" (type "C-c C-r") (should-equal-buffer "deb http://deb.test/debian stable main deb-src http://deb.test/debian stable main"))) (ert-deftest apt-sources-list-test-change-type () (with-apt-sources-list "deb http://deb.test/debian stable main" (type "C-c C-t") (should-equal-buffer "deb-src http://deb.test/debian stable main") (type "C-c C-t") (should-equal-buffer "deb http://deb.test/debian stable main"))) (ert-deftest apt-sources-list-test-change-options () (with-apt-sources-list "deb http://deb.test/ stable main" (type "C-c C-o arch=amd64 RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb [arch=amd64] http://deb.test/ stable main") (type "C-c C-o SPC lang=en RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb [arch=amd64 lang=en] http://deb.test/ stable main") (type "C-c C-o M-0 C-k RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb http://deb.test/ stable main"))) (ert-deftest apt-sources-list-test-change-url () (with-apt-sources-list "deb http://deb.test/debian stable main" (type "C-c C-u M-0 C-k ftp://deb2.test/debian2 RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb ftp://deb2.test/debian2 stable main"))) (ert-deftest apt-sources-list-test-change-suite () (with-apt-sources-list "deb http://deb.test/debian stable main # foo" (type "C-c C-s path/ RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb http://deb.test/debian path/ # foo") (type "C-c C-s unstable RET M-0 C-k xxx RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb http://deb.test/debian unstable xxx # foo") (type "C-c C-s stable RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb http://deb.test/debian stable xxx # foo"))) (ert-deftest apt-sources-list-test-change-suite-empty () (with-apt-sources-list "deb http://deb.test/debian stable main # foo" (type "C-c C-s / RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb http://deb.test/debian / # foo") (type "C-c C-s unstable RET M-0 C-k xxx RET") (should-equal-buffer "deb http://deb.test/debian unstable xxx # foo"))) (ert-deftest apt-sources-list-test-change-components () (with-apt-sources-list "deb http://deb.test/debian stable main # foo" (type "C-c C-c M-0 C-k a SPC b") (should-equal-buffer "deb http://deb.test/debian stable a b # foo"))) (ert-deftest apt-sources-list-test-motion () (with-apt-sources-list "deb [arch=armel] http://deb.test/debian stable main # comment deb invalid line deb http://deb.test/debian stable main" (type "C-M-n") (should-be-at-line 4) (type "C-u - 1 C-M-n") (should-be-at-line 1) (type "C-u - 1 C-M-p") (should-be-at-line 4) (type "C-M-p") (should-be-at-line 1) (should-error (type "C-M-p")) (should-error (type "C-u 2 C-M-n")))) (ert-deftest apt-sources-list-test-font-lock () (with-apt-sources-list "deb [arch=armel] http://deb.test/debian stable main # bar" (font-lock-ensure) (should-use-face 'apt-sources-list-type) (search-forward "arch") (should-use-face 'apt-sources-list-options) (search-forward "http") (should-use-face 'apt-sources-list-uri) (search-forward "stabl") (should-use-face 'apt-sources-list-suite) (search-forward "mai") (should-use-face 'apt-sources-list-components) (search-forward "#") (should-use-face 'font-lock-comment-delimiter-face) (search-forward "b") (should-use-face 'font-lock-comment-face))) ;;; apt-sources-list-test.el ends here