[pelican-mode.git] / pelican-mode.el
1 ;;; pelican-mode.el --- Minor mode for editing Pelican sites -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
2 ;;
3 ;; Copyright 2013-2017 Joe Wreschnig
4 ;;
5 ;; Author: Joe Wreschnig <joe.wreschnig@gmail.com>
6 ;; Package-Version: 20170730
7 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25"))
8 ;; Keywords: convenience, editing
9 ;;
10 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;;
15 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;;
20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 ;;; Commentary:
25 ;;
26 ;; pelican-mode is an Emacs minor mode for editing pages and posts in
27 ;; Pelican sites. Pelican is a static site generator which can
28 ;; process a variety of text file formats. For more information, see
29 ;; URL https://blog.getpelican.com/.
30 ;;
31 ;; It's intended to be used alongside `markdown-mode' or `rst-mode'.
32 ;; It also assumes you've set up Pelican with ``pelican-quickstart''
33 ;; or something like it. In particular it assumes:
34 ;;
35 ;; * The existence of ``pelicanconf.py'' and ``Makefile'' in some
36 ;; ancestor directory.
37 ;; * The first component of the path (e.g. ``content'') after that
38 ;; ancestor is irrelevant.
39 ;; * If the next component is ``pages'', that indicates a page
40 ;; rather than an article.
41 ;;
42 ;; To enable by default on all text files in a Pelican site:
43 ;;
44 ;; (require 'pelican-mode)
45 ;; (pelican-global-mode)
46 ;;
47 ;; Or, register `pelican-mode' or `pelican-mode-enable-if-site'
48 ;; as hook functions for more direct control.
51 ;;; Code:
53 (require 'seq)
54 (require 'subr-x)
56 (defgroup pelican-mode nil
57 "Support for Pelican articles and pages.
59 For more information about Pelican see URL https://blog.getpelican.com/."
60 :group 'convenience)
62 (defcustom pelican-mode-default-page-fields
63 '(:slug slug)
64 "Fields to include when creating a new page.
66 See the documentation for `pelican-mode-set-field' for more information
67 about metadata fields and special values."
68 :group 'pelican-mode
69 :type '(plist))
71 (defcustom pelican-mode-default-article-fields
72 '(:date now :status "draft" :slug slug)
73 "Fields to include when creating a new article.
75 See the documentation for `pelican-mode-set-field' for more information
76 about metadata fields and special values."
77 :group 'pelican-mode
78 :type '(plist))
80 (defcustom pelican-mode-formats
81 '((markdown-mode . pelican-mode-set-field-markdown-mode)
82 (adoc-mode . pelican-mode-set-field-adoc-mode)
83 (org-mode . pelican-mode-set-field-org-mode)
84 (rst-mode . pelican-mode-set-field-rst-mode))
85 "Functions to handle setting metadata, based on major mode.
87 This association list maps modes to functions that take two
88 arguments, field and value strings."
89 :group 'pelican-mode
90 :type '(alist :key-type function :value-type function))
92 (defun pelican-mode-timestamp (&optional time)
93 "Generate a pelican-mode-compatible timestamp for TIME."
94 (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" time))
96 (defun pelican-mode-set-fields (&rest fields)
97 "Insert a Pelican header for an article with metadata FIELDS."
98 (mapc (apply-partially #'apply #'pelican-mode-set-field)
99 (seq-partition fields 2)))
101 (defun pelican-mode-insert-draft-article-header (title tags)
102 "Insert a Pelican header for a draft with a TITLE and TAGS."
103 (interactive "sArticle title: \nsTags: ")
104 (apply #'pelican-mode-set-fields
105 `(:title ,title
106 ,@pelican-mode-default-article-fields
107 :tags ,tags)))
109 (defun pelican-mode-insert-page-header (title &optional hidden)
110 "Insert a Pelican header for a page with a TITLE.
112 If HIDDEN is non-nil, the page is marked hidden; otherwise it
113 has no status."
114 (interactive "sPage title: \nP")
115 (apply #'pelican-mode-set-fields
116 (append
117 (list :title title :status (when hidden "hidden"))
118 pelican-mode-default-page-fields)))
120 (defun pelican-mode-insert-header ()
121 "Insert a Pelican header for a page or article."
122 (interactive)
123 (call-interactively
124 (if (pelican-mode-page-p)
125 #'pelican-mode-insert-page-header
126 #'pelican-mode-insert-draft-article-header)))
128 (defun pelican-mode-set-field-rst-mode (field value)
129 "Set reStructuredText metadata FIELD to VALUE."
130 (setq field (downcase field))
131 (if (equal field "title")
132 (let ((header (format "%s\n%s\n\n"
133 value (make-string (string-width value) ?#))))
134 (if (looking-at ".*\n#+\n+")
135 (replace-match header)
136 (insert header)))
137 (let ((text (when value (format ":%s: %s\n" field value))))
138 (when (looking-at "^.*\n#")
139 (forward-line 3))
140 (if (re-search-forward (format "^:%s:.*\n" (regexp-quote field)) nil t)
141 (replace-match (or text ""))
142 (when text
143 (if (re-search-forward "^$" nil t)
144 (replace-match text)
145 (insert text)))))))
147 (defun pelican-mode-set-field-markdown-mode (field value)
148 "Set Markdown metadata FIELD to VALUE."
149 (setq field (capitalize field))
150 (let ((text (when value (format "%s: %s\n" field value))))
151 (if (re-search-forward (format "^%s:.*\n" (regexp-quote field)) nil t)
152 (replace-match text)
153 (when value
154 (if (re-search-forward "^$" nil t)
155 (replace-match text)
156 (insert text))))))
158 (defun pelican-mode-set-field-adoc-mode (field value)
159 "Set AsciiDoc metadata FIELD to VALUE."
160 (setq field (downcase field))
161 (if (equal field "title")
162 (let ((header (format "= %s\n\n" value)))
163 (if (looking-at "= .*\n\n+")
164 (replace-match header)
165 (insert header)))
166 (let ((text (when value (format ":%s: %s\n" field value))))
167 (when (looking-at "^=")
168 (forward-line 2))
169 (if (re-search-forward (format "^:%s:.*\n" (regexp-quote field)) nil t)
170 (replace-match (or text ""))
171 (when text
172 (if (re-search-forward "^$" nil t)
173 (replace-match text)
174 (insert text)))))))
176 (defun pelican-mode-set-field-org-mode (field value)
177 "Set Org global metadata FIELD to VALUE."
178 ;; None of org-mode's functions I can find for setting properties
179 ;; operate on the global list, only a single property drawer.
180 (setq field (upcase field))
181 (setq field
182 (format (if (member field '("TITLE" "DATE" "CATEGORY" "AUTHOR"))
183 "#+%s:"
184 "#+PROPERTY: %s")
185 field))
186 (let ((text (when value (format "%s %s\n" field value))))
187 (if (re-search-forward (format "^%s .*\n" (regexp-quote field)) nil t)
188 (replace-match (or text ""))
189 (when text
190 (if (re-search-forward "^$" nil t)
191 (replace-match text)
192 (insert text))))))
194 (defun pelican-mode-set-field (field value)
195 "Set FIELD to VALUE.
197 FIELD may be a string or a symbol; if it is a symbol, the
198 symbol name is used (removing a leading ':' if present).
200 When called from Lisp, VALUE may be any value; except for the
201 following special values, the unquoted printed representation of
202 it is used:
204 - `now' means the current time; see `pelican-mode-timestamp'.
206 - `slug' means the file's path relative to the document root sans
207 extension; see `pelican-mode-default-slug'.
209 - nil or an empty string removes the field.
211 The buffer must be in a format listed in `pelican-mode-formats'
212 for this function to work correctly."
213 (interactive "sField: \nsValue: ")
214 (setq value (pcase value
215 ('now (pelican-mode-timestamp))
216 ('slug (pelican-mode-default-slug))
217 ('"" nil)
218 (_ value)))
219 (when (symbolp field)
220 (setq field (string-remove-prefix ":" (symbol-name field))))
221 (let ((set-field
222 (assoc-default nil pelican-mode-formats #'derived-mode-p)))
223 (unless set-field
224 (error "Unsupported major mode %S" major-mode))
225 (save-excursion
226 (goto-char 0)
227 (funcall set-field field value))))
229 (defun pelican-mode-remove-field (field)
230 "Remove FIELD."
231 (pelican-mode-set-field field nil))
233 (defun pelican-mode-set-title (title)
234 "Set the title to TITLE."
235 (interactive "sTitle: ")
236 (pelican-mode-set-field :title title))
238 (defun pelican-mode-update-date ()
239 "Update a Pelican date header."
240 (interactive)
241 (pelican-mode-set-field :date 'now))
243 (defun pelican-mode-publish-draft ()
244 "Remove draft status from a Pelican article."
245 (interactive)
246 (pelican-mode-remove-field :status)
247 (pelican-mode-update-date))
249 (defun pelican-mode-page-p ()
250 "Return non-nil the current buffer is a Pelican page."
251 (when-let (pelican-mode-base (pelican-mode-find-root))
252 (let* ((relative (file-relative-name buffer-file-name pelican-mode-base))
253 (components (split-string relative "/")))
254 (equal "pages" (cadr components)))))
256 (defun pelican-mode-default-slug ()
257 "Generate a Pelican article/page slug for the current buffer."
258 (if-let ((pelican-mode-base (pelican-mode-find-root))
259 (file-name (file-name-sans-extension buffer-file-name)))
260 (let* ((relative (file-relative-name file-name pelican-mode-base))
261 (components (cdr (split-string relative "/")))
262 (components (if (string= "pages" (car components))
263 (cdr components) components)))
264 (mapconcat 'identity components "/"))
265 (when-let (file-name (file-name-sans-extension buffer-file-name))
266 (file-name-base file-name))))
268 (defun pelican-mode-find-root ()
269 "Return the root of the buffer's Pelican site, or nil."
270 (locate-dominating-file default-directory "pelicanconf.py"))
272 (defun pelican-make (target)
273 "Execute TARGET in a Makefile at the root of the site."
274 (interactive "sMake Pelican target: ")
275 (if-let (default-directory (pelican-mode-find-root))
276 (compilation-start (format "make %s" target)
277 nil (lambda (_) "*pelican*"))
278 (user-error "No Pelican site root could be found")))
280 (defun pelican-make-html ()
281 "Generate HTML via a Makefile at the root of the site."
282 (interactive)
283 (pelican-make "html"))
285 (defun pelican-make-rsync-upload ()
286 "Upload with rsync via a Makefile at the root of the site."
287 (interactive)
288 (pelican-make "rsync_upload"))
290 ;;;###autoload
291 (define-minor-mode pelican-mode
292 "Toggle Pelican mode.
293 With a prefix argument ARG, enable Pelican mode if ARG is
294 positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
295 the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.
297 Pelican is a static site generator which can process a variety of
298 text file formats. For more information, see URL
299 https://blog.getpelican.com/.
301 Rather than manually enabling this mode, you may wish to use
302 `pelican-global-mode' or `pelican-mode-enable-if-site'.
304 When Pelican mode is enabled, additional commands are available
305 for editing articles or pages:
307 \\{pelican-mode-map}"
308 :lighter " Pelican"
309 :keymap `((,(kbd "C-c P f") . pelican-set-field)
310 (,(kbd "C-c P h") . pelican-make-html)
311 (,(kbd "C-c P n") . pelican-mode-insert-header)
312 (,(kbd "C-c P p") . pelican-mode-publish-draft)
313 (,(kbd "C-c P t") . pelican-mode-update-date)
314 (,(kbd "C-c P u") . pelican-make-rsync-upload)))
316 ;;;###autoload
317 (define-minor-mode pelican-global-mode
318 "Toggle Pelican global mode.
319 With a prefix argument ARG, enable Pelican global mode if ARG is
320 positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
321 the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.
323 Pelican is a static site generator which can process a variety of
324 text file formats. For more information, see URL
325 https://blog.getpelican.com/.
327 When Pelican global mode is enabled, text files which seem to
328 be part of a Pelican site will have `pelican-mode' automatically
329 enabled.
331 If you disable this, you may still enable `pelican-mode' manually
332 or add `pelican-mode-enable-if-site' to more specific mode
333 hooks."
334 :global t
335 :group 'pelican-mode
336 (if pelican-global-mode
337 (add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'pelican-mode-enable-if-site)
338 (remove-hook 'text-mode-hook #'pelican-mode-enable-if-site)))
340 ;;;###autoload
341 (defun pelican-mode-enable-if-site ()
342 "Enable `pelican-mode' if this buffer is part of a Pelican site."
343 (when (pelican-mode-find-root)
344 (pelican-mode 1)))
346 (provide 'pelican-mode)
347 ;;; pelican-mode.el ends here
349 ;; Local Variables:
350 ;; sentence-end-double-space: t
351 ;; End: