Initial import.
[pelican-mode.git] / pelican-mode.el
1 ;;; pelican-mode.el --- Minor mode for editing pages and posts in Pelican sites
2 ;;
3 ;; Author: Joe Wreschnig
4 ;; This code is released into the public domain.
6 ;;; Commentary:
7 ;;
8 ;; Probably, this doesn't handle a lot of error cases. I also never
9 ;; tested it on networked drives and the lookup for
10 ;; might slow it down considerably.
12 ;;; Code:
14 (defun pelican-timestamp-now ()
15 "Generate a Pelican-compatible timestamp."
16 (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
18 (defun pelican-is-markdown ()
19 "Check if the buffer is likely using Markdown."
20 (eq major-mode 'markdown-mode))
22 (defun pelican-field (name value)
23 "Helper to format a field NAME and VALUE."
24 (if value (format "%s: %s\n" name value) ""))
26 (defun pelican-markdown-header (title date status category tags slug)
27 "Generate a Pelican Markdown header.
29 All parameters but TITLE may be nil to omit them. DATE may be a
30 string or 't to use the current date and time."
31 (let ((title (format "Title: %s\n" title))
32 (status (pelican-field "Status" status))
33 (category (pelican-field "Category" category))
34 (tags (pelican-field "Tags" tags))
35 (slug (pelican-field "Slug" slug))
36 (date (if date (format "Date: %s\n"
37 (if (stringp date) date
38 (pelican-timestamp-now)))
39 "")))
40 (concat title date status tags category slug "\n")))
42 (defun pelican-rst-header (title date status category tags slug)
43 "Generate a Pelican reStructuredText header.
45 All parameters but TITLE may be nil to omit them. DATE may be a
46 string or 't to use the current date and time."
47 (let ((title (format "%s\n%s\n\n" title
48 (make-string (string-width title) ?#)))
49 (status (pelican-field ":status" status))
50 (category (pelican-field ":category" category))
51 (tags (pelican-field ":tags" tags))
52 (slug (pelican-field ":slug" slug))
53 (date (if date (format ":date: %s\n"
54 (if (stringp date) date
55 (pelican-timestamp-now)))
56 "")))
57 (concat title date status tags category slug "\n")))
59 (defun pelican-insert-draft-post-header (title tags)
60 "Insert a Pelican header for a draft post."
61 (interactive "sPost title: \nsTags: ")
62 (let ((slug (pelican-default-slug))
63 (header (if (pelican-is-markdown)
64 'pelican-markdown-header 'pelican-rst-header)))
65 (save-excursion
66 (goto-char 0)
67 (insert (funcall header title 't "draft" nil tags slug)))))
69 (defun pelican-insert-page-header (title hidden)
70 "Insert a Pelican header for a page."
71 (interactive
72 (list (read-string "Page title: ")
73 (y-or-n-p "Hidden? ")))
74 (let ((slug (pelican-default-slug))
75 (hidden (if hidden "hidden" nil))
76 (header (if (pelican-is-markdown)
77 'pelican-markdown-header 'pelican-rst-header)))
78 (save-excursion
79 (goto-char 0)
80 (insert (funcall header title nil hidden nil nil slug)))))
82 (defun pelican-insert-header ()
83 "Insert a Pelican header for a page or post."
84 (interactive)
85 (call-interactively (if (pelican-is-page)
86 'pelican-insert-page-header
87 'pelican-insert-draft-post-header)))
89 (defun pelican-update-date ()
90 "Update a Pelican date header."
91 (interactive)
92 (save-excursion
93 (goto-char 0)
94 (let* ((field (if (pelican-is-markdown) "Date" ":date"))
95 (re (format "^%s: [-0-9 :]+\n" field))
96 (date (pelican-timestamp-now)))
97 (if (re-search-forward re nil t)
98 (replace-match (format "%s: %s\n" field date))
99 (message "This doesn't look like a Pelican page.")))))
101 (defun pelican-publish-draft ()
102 "Remove draft status from a Pelican post."
103 (interactive)
104 (save-excursion
105 (goto-char 0)
106 (let* ((field (if (pelican-is-markdown) "Status" ":status"))
107 (re (format "^%s: draft\n" field)))
108 (if (re-search-forward re nil t)
109 (progn
110 (replace-match (format ""))
111 (pelican-update-date))
112 (message "This doesn't look like a Pelican draft.")))))
114 (defun pelican-is-page ()
115 "Guess the current buffer is a Pelican page (vs. a post or neither)."
116 (let ((pelican-base (pelican-find-root)))
117 (if pelican-base
118 (let* ((relative (file-relative-name buffer-file-name pelican-base))
119 (components (split-string relative "/")))
120 (string= "pages" (car (cdr components)))))))
122 (defun pelican-default-slug ()
123 "Generate a Pelican post/page slug for the current buffer."
124 (let ((pelican-base (pelican-find-root))
125 (file-name (file-name-sans-extension buffer-file-name)))
126 (if pelican-base
127 (let* ((relative (file-relative-name file-name pelican-base))
128 (components (cdr (split-string relative "/")))
129 (components (if (string= "pages" (car components))
130 (cdr components) components)))
131 (mapconcat 'identity components "/"))
132 (format "%s/%s"
133 (file-name-nondirectory
134 (directory-file-name
135 (file-name-directory file-name)))
136 (file-name-base file-name)))))
138 (defun pelican-find-in-parents (file-name)
139 "Find FILE-NAME in the default directory or one of its parents, or nil."
140 (let* ((parent (expand-file-name default-directory)))
141 (while (and (not (file-readable-p (concat parent file-name)))
142 (not (string= parent (directory-file-name parent))))
143 (setq parent (file-name-directory (directory-file-name parent))))
144 (let ((found (concat parent file-name)))
145 (if (file-readable-p found) found nil))))
147 (defun pelican-find-root ()
148 "Return the root of the buffer's Pelican site, or nil."
149 (let ((conf (pelican-find-in-parents "")))
150 (if conf (file-name-directory conf))))
152 (defun pelican-is-in-site ()
153 "Check if this buffer is under a Pelican site."
154 (not (not (pelican-find-root))))
156 (defun pelican-enable-if-site ()
157 "Enable `pelican-mode' if this buffer is under a Pelican site."
158 (if (pelican-is-in-site)
159 (pelican-mode 1)))
161 (defun pelican-make (target)
162 "Execute TARGET in a Makefile at the root of the site."
163 (interactive "sMake Pelican target: ")
164 (let ((default-directory (pelican-find-root)))
165 (if default-directory
166 (let ((output (get-buffer-create "*Pelican Output*")))
167 (display-buffer output)
168 (pop-to-buffer output)
169 (compilation-mode)
170 (start-process "Pelican Makefile" output "make" target))
171 (message "This doesn't look like a Pelican site."))))
173 (defun pelican-make-html ()
174 "Generate HTML via a Makefile at the root of the site."
175 (interactive)
176 (pelican-make "html"))
178 (defun pelican-make-rsync-upload ()
179 "Upload with rsync via a Makefile at the root of the site."
180 (interactive)
181 (pelican-make "rsync_upload"))
183 (defconst pelican-keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
184 "The default keymap used in Pelican mode.")
185 (define-key pelican-keymap [?\C-x ?p ?n]
186 'pelican-insert-header)
187 (define-key pelican-keymap [?\C-x ?p ?p]
188 'pelican-publish-draft)
189 (define-key pelican-keymap [?\C-x ?p ?t]
190 'pelican-update-date)
191 (define-key pelican-keymap [?\C-x ?p ?h]
192 'pelican-make-html)
193 (define-key pelican-keymap [?\C-x ?p ?u]
194 'pelican-make-rsync-upload)
196 (define-minor-mode pelican-mode
197 "Toggle Pelican mode.
199 Interactively with no argument, this command toggles the mode.
200 to show buffer size and position in mode-line.
201 "
202 :init-value nil
203 :lighter " Pelican"
204 :keymap pelican-keymap
205 :group 'pelican
206 )
208 (add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook 'pelican-enable-if-site)
209 (add-hook 'rst-mode-hook 'pelican-enable-if-site)
211 (provide 'pelican-mode)
213 ;;; pelican-mode.el ends here